Saturday, January 25, 2014

Drama Time! Guren Onna

Nabekura Fumiyo a high school teacher who keeps everything inside and has a dark personality because of this people tend to stay away from her and her students don't respect her.  This is only her during the day though at night she transforms into the famed Guren Onna a 'ghost' who is looking for the man that killed her and burns the men that come through her path, with this back story she scares those that see her all through the night.  She finds out that other 'ghost' are out and about taking her place so she sets out to stop them and ends up running into actual ghost.  Trouble come the Guren Onna every night as she tries to maintain her fear factor amongst people.

This drama is pretty interesting to say the least, the main character is very weird but because of this she is very funny.  Though I must confess that I have not actually finished watching this drama I remember liking it and plan on finishing it very soon.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Sunomata Castle

Also known as the Sunomata Ichiya jo, or the Sunomata's One day Castle is a castle that was built overnight or so legend says. 
This castle has historical significance in Japan as it lead Hideyoshi Toyotomi's rise to power, who later became one of the military unifier of japan.  The castle was a clever tactical ploy by Hideyoshi who prefabricated parts of the fortress and had them erected over night to confuse and demoralize the enemy.  The tactic worked and the battle was won on that day.

The castle itself was nothing grand in structure originally.   The original structure was nothing more than a wooden walled fortress with  a lookout tower and basic living quarters.  Now the castle has been reconstructed and looks better than it did originally it serves now as a local history museum which includes the story of the castle as well as Samurai weapons and armor discovered in the castle during its renovation.   Note though that since the castle is visited mostly by Japanese tourist there are little English explanations.  Of course this doesn't stop those that can't read Japanese from enjoying the architecture and the surroundings of this beautiful castle. 

Saturday, January 11, 2014


An Ofuda is a talisman that is bought at a shrine for the blessing or protection of a household by a
specific kami.  The ofuda is a strip of paper, wood, cloth or metal that is inscribed with the name of a kami and/or the name of the shrine where it was bought.  The ofuda is sometimes placed within a Kamidana and if not on a door, pillar or the ceiling of a home.  Since the ofuda is infused with the kami's power and does not actually contain the kami it needs to be replaced before the year.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Drama Time! Anna san no Omame

Anna is the definition of the perfect woman smart, beautiful, kind and elegant but she is not the main character of this drama.  The main character of this drama is Lily a girl who creates giant misunderstandings for herself because of her very over active imagination, Lily believes that all the men in the world love her for her beauty.  When Anna decides to introduce her boyfriend to Lily misunderstanding do unfold a Lily falls for Anna's boyfriend Kyotaro.  This creates a huge problem for Kyotaro who wants nothing to do with Lily and only wants to be with Anna.

This drama is based on a manga with the same name and with the same story line.  The drama was a huge ball of laughs although Lily could possibly be the most annoying person on earth you cannot help but come to like her and her personality.  Since it is based on a manga there are many times when the real world aspect of things is lost and things happen ridiculously being addressed by the narrator besides that there's not much that I can say about the drama it looks like.   As it is a comedy drama I urge that you pay attention to the things happening in the background as there are some really weird and funny things happening all around the characters that should not be missed.   All in all it is a drama that you could watch to release stress so go meet Lily and watch the drama!

 Bang! Bang!