Friday, September 27, 2013

Drama Time! Nihonjin no Shiranai Nihongo

Kano Haruko is a charismatic girl with amazing if not eccentric fashion sense so amazing is her fashion sense that she has been featured in magazines.  But despite her loud image and success as a model her dream is to become a high school teacher.  With the promise that she would be introduced to a real Japanese high school teaching position she takes a job to be a Japanese teacher to foreigners in a Japanese language school.  There she is in charge of nine very different students with very different reasons for learning Japanese.  The students range from an American businessman to a Swedish girl with a goal of meeting a ninja.  With many different people from around the world this drama has many lessons to teach.  Kano Haruko's path to becoming a teacher starts like this.

The name of this drama itself was what caught my attention before I watched it, the 'Japanese the Japanese don't know' is what the name translates to and the thought  that Japanese didn't know Japanese just baffled me.  But after watching the drama I understood how this could happen, there are everyday words that the common everyday speaker use that aren't correct but eventually because everyone speaks that way you forget that its not the correct way to speak.  The drama illustrates that the modern world sometimes forgets where things begin.  The drama besides teaching both foreigners and natives new Japanese words goes into depth in teaching things about Japanese culture that are not well known, with great illustrations and explanations.  The drama was good and you can learn a lot from it, but at the same time you're learning you are also being fully entertained by the weird and quirky characters that make up the drama.   I really do recommend it especially if you are learning to speak Japanese because it will let you learn something's that might be difficult to learn from books.  It is really a great drama so go watch it!


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Personal Post! Procrastination & Classes

Procrastination to most is something that is completely inevitable, it happens and you do not even realize it is happening until you see the work piled up and your time running out.  Yes, most suffer from this problem but how to get rid of it?  Well, I find that routine can help in fending off this fiend.  If you set a certain time to work and everyday at that same time you do work then eventually you will be able to do everything with ease!  It's okay to start of slow and to take breaks in between just make sure that the breaks are of less time than the work time or else you'll have two hour breaks for five minutes of work, and if you're a master of procrastination then that will happen to you often.  But you must try your best to keep stress away and feel happy about your work. 

Since class started this blog has been put literally in the back of my thinking cycle.  I've been drowned in essays, lectures, and books that I haven't had the time to write anything worth writing about.  When I do have time though my brain is so fried that I can't even put a sentence together properly let alone a complete post.  Since I don't want to just put out random anecdotes and I want to do well in what ever it is a post I don't really want to rush things when it comes to actual post.  The personal post that I put are more flexible theme wise and they don't really need a direction so I'm totally fine with them being nonsense (hehe) but as for everything else I would like it to be well written, believe it or not I do make an attempt to write well, I hope it shows.  At any rate I've logged in a couple of times with the mind set to write about a topic that been on my list of things to write about but every time I come to the sudden realization that I have homework to be done and the blog gets put once again at the back seat of everything.  So since I will have to write a few essays for the next 3 weeks I will make the most sincere attempt to post at least one post a week and if able to the regular two post a week.  I will try my best!
