Friday, March 14, 2014

White Day

Last month on the 14th we celebrated Valentines Day this month on the 14th though in Japan we celebrate White Day.  Though it originated in Japan as a extremely clever marketing ploy to sell marshmallows to the masses White Day became very popular so much in fact that it has spread to other countries like South Korea, China and Taiwan. 

Now since guys did nothing but receive gifts on Valentines Day today is the day where they return the favor to the girls and give out their own sets of gifts of love and friendship.  On this day guys give out flowers, jewelry and of course white chocolate and marshmallow treats to the girls that they received chocolate from on Valentines Day.  Like their girl counter parts the guys give out giri choco (obligation chocolates) to their coworkers or friends and honmei choco to the girls they like.

You might be wondering though if a guy where to receive honmei choco from a girl on valentines they didn't like would they have to return with honmei choco for that girl?  Well no, if it were like that every girl in japan would probably be in a relationship after white day, if the guy doesn't like the girl he could give her cookies instead of chocolate as an easy let down.  If, of course, he likes her then he could give her anything she would like or chocolate.  Isn't that nice?

One last interesting thing about White Day there's a term called sanbai-gaeshiin or three times the return that says that the guys have to return to the girls three times the amount which they received.  Which means if you got 10 dollar chocolates from all the girls at your workplace you have to give back 30 dollar chocolates to all the girls at your workplace.  (Ouch!)

At any rate, Happy White Day!

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