Saturday, February 22, 2014

Eiga Time! Lovely Complex Live Action

Risa Koizumi is a girl who is taller than most girls her age and was dumped in the past because she was too tall while Atsushi Otani is a boy who is shorter than most people his age and was dumped in the past because he was short.  Because of this reason Atsushi and Risa are sensitive about their height.  They are made fun of by their classmates because of their perfect timing with each other and their similarities after getting into an argument with each other Risa says she can get a boyfriend in a week.  After this her friend tries to set her up with two weird guys and their friend, their friend turns out to be Atsushi who saves Risa from having to deal with the two guys after this they find out they have something amazing in common and become best friends.  After some time Risa realizes she actually like Atsushi and confesses but Atsushi doesn't respond and she takes it as a rejection.  They remain friends but they relationship becomes awkward and distant.   What happens to their friendship if they can't communicate, what happens to Risa's love that wasn't responded to? These are question that are answered after watching the movie.

This movie which is based of a manga and also has a anime series is just like the name lovely.  A very but seriously very long time ago I read the manga and was actually happy to know there was a movie based of it.  The manga is cute and funny and not the usual overbearing love story to read so it was great.  Now there are many things going on in the movie that differ from the manga, some characters change and the storyline has also changed a bit, but it still keeps its sweetness and light comedy that was seen in the manga.  There are other love affairs going on in the movie besides the two main characters that are just as funny if not funnier than the two with the height complex so there much to pay attention to.  It's one of my favorite movies because I can laugh but feel happy while watching it even when the bad moments are going on.  A must watch for those that are not in love but wish to be in love and for those in love who want to watch and keep being in love.   But definitely is a movie to be watched.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Personal Post- Spreadin love?

Since there's a whole month before White day I thought it would be a good idea to spread some love with some of my favorite lovey dovey dramas and movies.  Though I'm not the type to like the whole romance genre these few that I will share with you are definitely interesting and funny, if they weren't I wouldn't share them now would I? That in mind just giving people a heads up.


Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentines Day in Japan

Valentines day a day where couples come together to share their love with each other and with the world.  We know this day for the endless amount of chocolate we will see, receive or give all through the day.  Chocolates are given to the person you like or to friends to show your love for them.

In Japan Valentines Day is like anywhere else, chocolate by the mountains, but it differs in that this holiday is for girls to give chocolates to the guy they like and the guys only need to receive these chocolates.  Of course gentlemen don't get too exited thinking that she likes you when you get chocolate from a pretty girl there is such a thing as giri choco or obligation chocolates.  These chocolate are for co-workers, acquaintances or friends to which the girl has no romantic feelings for and usually the same girl will give these out to about 20 to 30 guys in her workplace.  Be sure to get excited though if you get honmei choco which are the chocolates a girl will give to that one special guy in her life.

Of course guys only receiving chocolates on this day seems one sided and selfish but don't worry White Day will come in March 14 exactly one month later so that the men can answer the feelings of their female counter parts and give out their share of chocolate and confessions for themselves.

Happy Valentines Day!

Saturday, February 8, 2014


A kamidana is a household Shinto shrine in which a kami can be enshrined and worshiped within a home or shop.  They are placed in a bright, clean and quite place in a home where it would be easy to place offerings and send prayers.  Kamidana can be big and elaborately decorated or they can be simple this depends on the person that buys the kamidana and on the kami that will be enshrined withing it.  Still the structure of the kamidana consist of a small shelf where the offerings are put and a taima that stands on the center of the shrine.  On either side are paper amulets with local kami and ancestral kami place in them.  Some kamidana also have the shimenawa placed upon its entrance.

Usual offerings for a kamidana are water, sake, food, and green twigs that should be placed and changed daily for the blessing of the household.   Kamidana are used by people who move far from their hometowns and wish to continue being protected by their kami.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Drama Time! Seigi no Mikata

A person who stands for all the right things and is not afraid to speak about the things that are wrong making everything around them better as a result this is to everyone an ally of justice this is the definition of Nakata Makiko.  Or at least to everyone that isn't her little sister Nakata Yoko who knows her big sisters is the true nature of evil.  Yoko since young has lived under her sister tyranny having to do all her chores, run to great lengths to do things for her without gratitude or rest, Yoko knows the full extent of her big sisters evil and understands very well that the things Makiko does are for her out gain rather than the worlds. But somehow everything always turns out for the better when her sister is involved.  Yoko lives a troubled life because of her sister and she wonders if it will ever be peaceful. 

I loved this drama it was simply perfection, or at least I think so.  The big sister is evil in all ways a person could be but somehow everyone thinks she is an ally of justice and every time it happens the moment was pure gold, I loved the way she ridiculously got away with the things she did or said.  Somehow it makes me want to be an ally of justice just like her but I am sure that someone would have to suffer like the poor little sister so I will never attempt it.  All in all the drama was probably one of my favorites the characters were realistic yet still a bit eccentric making the drama more interesting.  So lets all be ally's of justice and watch this drama lets go!
