Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentines Day in Japan

Valentines day a day where couples come together to share their love with each other and with the world.  We know this day for the endless amount of chocolate we will see, receive or give all through the day.  Chocolates are given to the person you like or to friends to show your love for them.

In Japan Valentines Day is like anywhere else, chocolate by the mountains, but it differs in that this holiday is for girls to give chocolates to the guy they like and the guys only need to receive these chocolates.  Of course gentlemen don't get too exited thinking that she likes you when you get chocolate from a pretty girl there is such a thing as giri choco or obligation chocolates.  These chocolate are for co-workers, acquaintances or friends to which the girl has no romantic feelings for and usually the same girl will give these out to about 20 to 30 guys in her workplace.  Be sure to get excited though if you get honmei choco which are the chocolates a girl will give to that one special guy in her life.

Of course guys only receiving chocolates on this day seems one sided and selfish but don't worry White Day will come in March 14 exactly one month later so that the men can answer the feelings of their female counter parts and give out their share of chocolate and confessions for themselves.

Happy Valentines Day!

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