Saturday, February 1, 2014

Drama Time! Seigi no Mikata

A person who stands for all the right things and is not afraid to speak about the things that are wrong making everything around them better as a result this is to everyone an ally of justice this is the definition of Nakata Makiko.  Or at least to everyone that isn't her little sister Nakata Yoko who knows her big sisters is the true nature of evil.  Yoko since young has lived under her sister tyranny having to do all her chores, run to great lengths to do things for her without gratitude or rest, Yoko knows the full extent of her big sisters evil and understands very well that the things Makiko does are for her out gain rather than the worlds. But somehow everything always turns out for the better when her sister is involved.  Yoko lives a troubled life because of her sister and she wonders if it will ever be peaceful. 

I loved this drama it was simply perfection, or at least I think so.  The big sister is evil in all ways a person could be but somehow everyone thinks she is an ally of justice and every time it happens the moment was pure gold, I loved the way she ridiculously got away with the things she did or said.  Somehow it makes me want to be an ally of justice just like her but I am sure that someone would have to suffer like the poor little sister so I will never attempt it.  All in all the drama was probably one of my favorites the characters were realistic yet still a bit eccentric making the drama more interesting.  So lets all be ally's of justice and watch this drama lets go!


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