Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Beginning a blog!

Well let's see, let's see what to say? I'm a college student who is very intrigued by the Japanese culture and although it's been years since I've started my journey down this path I feel like I should document it to remember.   Like any young student I do not know all there is to know about Japan as I am not of that culture but I hope to soon learn enough to be able to visit and roam Japan all by my lonesome or with people I meet there.  My interest in Japan started at a very young age as my best friend in middle school was, drumroll please, yes! you guessed it Japanese!  She had to move back home but not before we promised that we would see each other again and of course this spun me into a spiral of trying to learn things I before didn't know. 
After years of being stuck in the manga and anime world I decided that I should take things a bit more seriously and get down to the thing I've been avoiding for 8 years, learning Japanese! Now you might think that after eight years of watching anime I would be speaking fluently at this I answer HA! yes I can pick up a few words and phrases I can do all the basics like introducing myself, saying what time it is and I even know how to count but I don't think that just these things make you fluent speaker of any language, especially not one as complex as Japanese, not to mention that some anime do not speak like the everyday Japanese person and like any person in a foreign land I do not want to be that weirdo that talks funny especially when you stick out like sore thumb.  So! in this blog I hope to not only document my own learning but to help those who come across my blog learn from me and to be corrected by those who know more than me so I can share that with the world.  Now as my learning proses will be slow since I am of course a college student and I will be bombarded with test every once and a while I will also, maybe, be putting up reviews on manga, movies, and anime that I have found interesting over that years and that have stuck with me through the passage of time. With that being said....
~Matane (see you later)

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