Saturday, April 27, 2013


Word pronunciation is very important to the speaking of a language, the way people understand what your saying has a lot to do with word pronunciation. The Japanese pronunciation is very easy to learn as it doesn't vary much because each sound is giving the same emphasis.

Let's begging with vocals. The Japanese language uses the same vocals as any other language a,i,u,e,o but how do you say them? If you already speak Spanish your in luck because the vowels are the same so technically you know some Japanese as for English speakers you are not in luck as the pronunciation is very different.

a is said like in 'ma' the sound is short but clear.

i is said like the sound in 'leaf'.

u is similar to 'put'

e is like 'egg' Make the e sound shorter

o is like 'more' But make the o sound shorter

That's it for this time. Sorry that its not much finals week is here and I need to concentrate but I have lots planned for the summer! 


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