Friday, May 3, 2013

Personal Post- Ai Yazawa COMEBACK?!

*country accent* Oh my lordy lord, I cannot express how exited this news makes me! *back to normal* Apparently my favorite mangaka on earth has gotten out of the hospital and has maybe, probably started drawing again! I was happy enough to find out that she had left the hospital a few years ago because this meant she made a recovery! Even if this woman were to never draw again I would still love her and her work! I would be slightly disappointed yes but that is totally and COMPLETELY beside the point! She's probably drawing again! Oh my gosh! Sorry if you have no idea what I'm talking about I don't have any friends that read manga and I needed to let all these emotions out of my system.

Now let me give you a lil' background so I don't lose you completely if you don't know who she is. The wonderful Ai Yazawa is the person that made NANA, Paradise Kiss, Tenshi Nanka Ja Nai "I'm not an angel", and Gokinjo Monogatari "Neighborhood Story". These four are her most famous but my favorite of them all is NANA which is why the URL for this blog is nanagadaisuki which mean I love nana and I know after learning numbers you probably thought it meant I love seven, I know I shoulda added some sort of honorific like san or chan after her name to make that clear buuuuuuut I didn't soooo yea....Anyway! I'm kinda super exited and happy and a few months late with the news (suuper laate!) but better late than never right! I really hope NANA picks up where it left off. Oh yea, another thing NANA is unfinished because Ai Yazawa was put in the hospital while drawing it and needed to make a recovery, ah but maybe it might not be picked up I don't mind, she recovered so maybe on day! So nice, so nice! So how did I find out this wonderful news?! I was rereading NANA and re watching the anime because I was gonna make a post and wanted to have it all fresh and wondrous in my memory, and suddenly, like great things do, it hit me that I should check and see if there was some new news on the mangaka or manga at all. And there it was from 3 months ago! There was an addition to NANA called Junko's tale, about one of the supporting characters so its a side story but although I haven't read it I will soon enough once I find it hehe. But yes, I'm super happy. =^w^=

 I feel like this post needed to be written in capital letter now that I reread it to show off the excitement I feel.....oh well, to happy to care! I will be making a full post on NANA the manga and the anime all at once in a few days :DD so till then!


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