Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Drama Time! Perfect Girl Evolution

Takano Kyohei is a college student blessed with godly good looks because of this he is constantly harassed by crazed girls who want him for themselves. While working at a restaurant he loses his temper at a few of his crazed fans and gets fired from his job. That's when the glamorous and rich Nakahara Mine picks him up and gives him a home with another three good looking guys. Nakahara Mine tells them that they can live for free in the house as long as they can turn her niece, Sunako, into a lady. Everyone is more than enthusiastic thinking the job would be an easy task but once Sunako arrives they are left horror struck thinking she must be a ghost. Sunako is a morbid girl who likes horror movies, the darkness and hates bright things and upon seeing the four gorgeous guys she runs away into her dark room or faints. Because of Sunako's love of the morbid and her absolute hate for bright creatures many troubles arise but Takano Kyohei will not give up on turning Sunako into a lady because it means he gets to eat for free.

Among many mangas that I've read through out my life, the wallflower manga is one of my favorites, so I was a bit reserved at first about watching the drama since usually the drama is never better than the manga but I actually found myself falling in love with the drama as well. The characters where all well portrayed and even the character that weren't in the manga I found myself falling in love with. The relationship between Sunako and Kyohei is the same as in the manga but somehow I felt that the personal connection between them was better established in the drama of course that really doesn't mean anything when they don't know they like each other or at least deny it to the very end. The rest of the cast is really funny but definitely the one that stole the show for me was the added character, Nakahara Takeru. He acted as a narrator at the beginning of each episode and was just absolutely too cute for words. There were added scenes with Mine because of him which made it both heart warming and funny, in the end he was a smart kid that just absolutely steals your heart.   For those who have read the manga, you will enjoy the drama thoroughly and for those who have not read the manga, you will also enjoy the drama thoroughly.  I recommend it.  


Saturday, August 24, 2013

Personal Post! Thoughts on music.

If you feel like its two much reading second and third paragraph can be skipped happily.

When it comes to music like many other thing in the world with lots of variety there are thousands of choices in which you can listen to, many types of genres and sub-genres that you might like or hate.  Personally I like all types of music I don't discriminate because of language or genre.  If its good I'll listen to it, this being true my music library is full of rock, pop, oldies, 50's, 60's, 80's, 90's, ballads, kpop, jrock, classical, techno, electronic you name it I probably have it.  Putting my mp3 on shuffle will confuse you constantly because nothing ever comes out in the same language or mood, one second you could be head banging the next you could be crying because of a sad ballad.  

Now because I don't have only one genre I listen to I get criticized constantly because of the music that I like especially when its in another language,  I don't know why, but something about kpop and jrock that puts closed minded people off.  They don't understand how I can listen to something when I don't understand what they're saying, well music is about transmitting emotions if I can feel the emotion that is being put out I will listen to it more.  With jrock although few I have bands which I absolutely love like The Gazette, LM.C, and Scandal, which are my favorite bands in their respective orders,  but its extremely difficult to keep track of them because for some reason japan isn't that big on releasing things on the internet in they're completeness a 3 minute song will only be played up to the 1 and a half minute mark.  This is one of the things I personally hate because if you like it you'll never listen to it completely.  With these 3 though I can listen to the songs and watch the videos in their completeness which is nice.  With kpop things are easy to access if you like a group or person you can probably find everything they have ever done on youtube, (plus Korean variety shows are hilarious!) which is great because good kpop groups make Japanese songs and albums too, which is the way I cheat at life and pretend like I have more jpop in my music library.

 Anyway I got off topic there just in case no one noticed, The Gazette, LM.C and Scandal are my favorite bands when it comes to music in another language vocals are key to me liking it, since I can't judge them on lyrics, even though there are times you can tell that there's absolutely no message to the song,  I listen to the vocals because with the right voice you can transmit the emotion necessary for the song and even when the listener doesn't speak your language.   In kpop with vocals that are beautiful there's many groups but my favorite is JYJ as a group together they have come out with many nice songs but when they work individually you can really tell how talented and unique their voices are.   Many close minded people will never listen to music outside their genres or language but those who are fortunate will learn much about music from expanding their horizon.    If you don't know The Gazette I suggest you listen to Guren the vocals are especially pretty in that song, though its more ballady than the rest of their songs you'll be sure to like it.  

Since school has started my sanctuary away from it all revolves around music.  Music is everywhere and its all beautiful so to not listen to something simply because it doesn't relate to you time period or group of friends confuses me.  I urge everyone to listen to everything and judge for themselves whether they like it or not.  With that I'll see you guise later!


oh wait! Do you guise have some type of music or band that no one you know likes?  Which is it? Share with me a story!!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Drama Time! Proposal Daisakusen

Iwase Ken has been friends with Yoshida Rei since elementary school and has been in love with her for the longest time. Sadly Iwase Ken is clumsy and stubborn when it comes to love but still the lively and cheerful Rei is the girl that was made for him.  Rei on the other hand seems to not think the same way about Ken and is about to marry another man.  Ken sadly attends the wedding ceremony thinking of giving up on his love for her, that is until a fairy appears because of Ken's strong desire to change things. The fairy sends Ken back in time giving him a 'last hallelujah chance' to win the girl of his dream.

This drama was very sweet and at first it tricks you into thinking that the groom for the weeding is actually Ken but of course that's not the case.   I myself was annoyed through out half the drama but that is only because love stories to me are very simply solved and though the answer was written clear as day to me it was not to Ken.  I was mad at Ken through out this drama mainly because all his troubles where literally ended with a simple confession but he dragged it out because he was afraid of what would happen if he confessed.  The whole time I said things along the line of 'I mean come on man she's already getting married. It cannot get any worse for your love life than that, can it? No, just confess already!'   But of course he can't hear me as I scream in anger at him so he just did what ever he wanted to do, at his misguided attempt to win the girl back.    Any one else besides me would think that his go about was correct, he was in the end only trying to make her memories of him good and in turn hoping that this might change their relationship, and I suppose that is really sweet seeing as he cares about her more than himself.  Plus it would've  been a much shorter drama if he had gone by my way of panning things out.  All in all its a very nice drama to watch especially if you like corny love dramas (Not being insulting just can't find other words to say it.) 


Saturday, August 17, 2013

What are Kami?

Before I get into this I'd like to say that I myself cannot speak on behalf of the Shinto religion as I myself have not experienced it first hand, all of what I write is from a outside stand point as I've never experience Shintoism first hand.  But from what I have read and learned the Shinto religion is very beautiful and again this is without experiencing it first hand.  So let's start shall we?

The concept of Kami is tricky to explain at least from a religious view with an omnipotent god.  Unlike some religions which worship an all powerful god,  the Shinto religion believes in many different spirits or god's called Kami.   Kami can range from anything between a god to a spirit but it really doesn't end there, a kami can be an element of nature and can be found in almost anything that shows greatness.   But while Kami can be found in everything only those things that show their 'kami nature' are referred to as kami.  A kami is suppose to have a specific life giving power and a truthful will, so people that lived an outstanding life can also be worshiped as kami and forces of nature, mountains and lakes can be kami also. 

In the Shinto religion there is no sole Kami that all should worship but thousands of Kami that can be worshiped depending on where you live or who your ancestors are.   Kami are also not perfect or all powerful as they have been depicted making mistakes and behaving badly and although a powerful enough Kami can live a longer life than a generation of mortals it can eventually die.  Ultimately all kami coexist in the same world as humans and respond to prayers as they want humans to find happiness in life.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Drama Time! Nobuta wo Produce

Kiritani Shuji is a person that thinks of life as a game, because of this he does his best to be liked by everyone, no matter who they are or whether he thinks they're weird or creepy, he will get along with them. That is, everyone except Kusano Akira, he is a weirdo that does what he wants, talks weirdly and never has a reason for the way he acts to Kiritani, Akira is a pest and his life would be much better if Akira didn't talk to him.   But Akira is the only one that knows that Kiritani isn't the same cool guy that he pretends to be.   One day a new transfer student comes to their class, Kotani Nobuko, she is extremely quite and always keeps her head down making it easy for her to be bullied.  Kiritani Shuji and Kusano Akira seeing that their youths were being wasted in they're everyday school life decide that they would produce Nobuko into the most popular girl in the school, under the condition that no one ever finds out that they are working together to make it possible. Together they go through many trials and find that being with each other is more fun that being alone or pretending to be someone they're not.

Kiritani Shuji is a character who at first I found interesting but then found annoying and then in the end liked.  His character was extremely cruel to others even though to everyone else it appeared that he was a cool and nice guy, this really made me mad at him as a character in the beginning.  Thank god for Akira though, out of all the characters of any drama or anime that I have ever watched EVER Akira became my favorite most loved character, one of the reasons this drama is so memorable to me was because of him.   He is an eccentric character who at first I found funny and liked instantly for making Kiritani's life hellish but as the drama progressed I found that he was kind and thoughtful when it came to the people close to him, so in a sing song voice I can safely say. I love him.   Much like Amemiya in Hotaru no Hikari who gave me the goro goro, Akira gave me the unexplained Kon Kon gesture which every time I remember him I find myself doing in his honor. Unlike Kiritani and Akira there's not much to say about Nobuko except that she was extremely sweet and a good girl and it was funny how she followed Akira's flow at times with the Nobuta Power pose.  There was love interest in this drama but in the end they choose friendship over love.  Really loved this drama and do recommend it, you won't regret watching it.


Saturday, August 10, 2013

Shinto Festivals

 In Japanese festivals are known as matsuri.  In the Shinto religion kami are worshipped,  kami are curious of the lives of human world so at times they leave they're peaceful homes to observe and visit our world.   The time where the kami come to visit and the time that matsuri are held are the same.   There are countless of different matsuri in Japan all held year round, some are local or national, some official or unofficial, and some private or public the festival that one area might celebrate depends on the shrine and the kami of the areas worship.

Matsuri are typically divided into three main parts, Kami Mukae literally or welcoming the kami. Shrines and temples hold a special welcoming ceremony to invite the deities to earth. Shinko the main festival event, this often include parades, music, dancing, theatrical performances, food, and games.  Also this involves the carrying of the Mikoshi around the festival area and shrine.  This gives the kami a chance to tour the territory. The last part of a Shinto festival is Kami Okuri , or sending the kami back.  The kami are not abandoned at the end of the festival, but sent back to their homes.  To do otherwise is believed to cause calamity.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Drama Time! Last Cinderella

'Women today can sometimes forget about their gender, as they devote themselves deeper and deeper into their career. Among such women, some suffer overwork, unbalance of hormones, hair loss and the likes. In fact, few women even experience the growth of a thick mustache! According to a survey, there have been results indicating that about 60% of women feeling that they were "turning male" in the past. At 29, these women only had to be concerned with marriage or work, but at 39, the time limit draws nearer, with increased concerns of pregnancy, divorce, aging parents, and change of job.' Taken from wiki addicts description.

Last Cinderella shows what its like for three women of that age who are trying to live life as best as they can. The main character Toyama Sakura is a 39 year old she is an unfeminine and unruly hair stylist who becomes worried that she's becoming a man because of not having been with a man in ten years.  Tachibana Rintaro is Sakura's boss of same age who has knows Sakura for many years but constantly argues with her.  Upon hearing that Sakura was determined to find herself love he makes her angry, making Sakura even more determined saying she would find someone within a week.  Because of this she goes to a goukon set up by one of her customers. There Sakura meets a man at least ten years younger than her, Saeki Hiroto, who says that he has fallen in love with her.   Although Sakura denied the relationship at first as they get to know each other they slowly fall in love even with the great age difference.   Sakura's friends are also stories that are followed through out the drama.  Takenouchi Miki is Sakura's best friend who is suffering from a sexless marriage and because of it believes her husband is cheating on her and Hasegawa Shima, Sakura's other best friend is addicted to sex and finds a different man every time she feels a need. There's much more to each story than what first appears making it an exiting love comedy to watch.

I liked this drama from the very first scene as it reminded me of Hotaru no Hikari because of the main characters way of living and then again when I saw the character Rintaro and was yelling Buchou the moment I saw him. But after laughing about these two similarities I quickly realized that the two dramas are totally different. Last Cinderella shows the real life of people in their late 30's and how even when they're not young they can still go through the same problems they would when they were. I enjoyed watching it and laughed countlessly while at the same time I receive glimpses of what it will be like as I grow older. This drama gives many excellent lessons to any adult, and I say adult because there are a few scenes that are not for children and although they are extremely hilarious or for those who are more conservative surprising they should not be watched by children. But what kind of scene can be surprising and hilarious at the same time? You will have to watch the drama and find out won't you.


Saturday, August 3, 2013

Shinto Shrines

Shrines are the sacred places that Kami live in, a large enough shrine can house several smaller sub-shrines for many Kami to live in.  Since Shrine do not necessarily have to be buildings things such as rocks, trees and mountains can all act as shrines. Some shrines can expand to several thousand acres while other can be even a few square feet. Torri gates and Shimenawa ropes are used to separate the shrines from the rest of the world and mark the place where the human world and the supernatural world meet.  Every village and town in Japan will have its own Shinto shrine, dedicated to housing the local Kami, most Japanese see shrines as their spiritual home and attend the same shrines regularly throughout their lives.  Although relatively new those that must move far away from their shrines might use a kamidana to continue their worship of they're local Kami.  Since Shinto shrines don't have a specific day when they should be visited, people go to shrines at festival times and other times they feel the need to do so, to pray for their well being or for family members.