Saturday, August 24, 2013

Personal Post! Thoughts on music.

If you feel like its two much reading second and third paragraph can be skipped happily.

When it comes to music like many other thing in the world with lots of variety there are thousands of choices in which you can listen to, many types of genres and sub-genres that you might like or hate.  Personally I like all types of music I don't discriminate because of language or genre.  If its good I'll listen to it, this being true my music library is full of rock, pop, oldies, 50's, 60's, 80's, 90's, ballads, kpop, jrock, classical, techno, electronic you name it I probably have it.  Putting my mp3 on shuffle will confuse you constantly because nothing ever comes out in the same language or mood, one second you could be head banging the next you could be crying because of a sad ballad.  

Now because I don't have only one genre I listen to I get criticized constantly because of the music that I like especially when its in another language,  I don't know why, but something about kpop and jrock that puts closed minded people off.  They don't understand how I can listen to something when I don't understand what they're saying, well music is about transmitting emotions if I can feel the emotion that is being put out I will listen to it more.  With jrock although few I have bands which I absolutely love like The Gazette, LM.C, and Scandal, which are my favorite bands in their respective orders,  but its extremely difficult to keep track of them because for some reason japan isn't that big on releasing things on the internet in they're completeness a 3 minute song will only be played up to the 1 and a half minute mark.  This is one of the things I personally hate because if you like it you'll never listen to it completely.  With these 3 though I can listen to the songs and watch the videos in their completeness which is nice.  With kpop things are easy to access if you like a group or person you can probably find everything they have ever done on youtube, (plus Korean variety shows are hilarious!) which is great because good kpop groups make Japanese songs and albums too, which is the way I cheat at life and pretend like I have more jpop in my music library.

 Anyway I got off topic there just in case no one noticed, The Gazette, LM.C and Scandal are my favorite bands when it comes to music in another language vocals are key to me liking it, since I can't judge them on lyrics, even though there are times you can tell that there's absolutely no message to the song,  I listen to the vocals because with the right voice you can transmit the emotion necessary for the song and even when the listener doesn't speak your language.   In kpop with vocals that are beautiful there's many groups but my favorite is JYJ as a group together they have come out with many nice songs but when they work individually you can really tell how talented and unique their voices are.   Many close minded people will never listen to music outside their genres or language but those who are fortunate will learn much about music from expanding their horizon.    If you don't know The Gazette I suggest you listen to Guren the vocals are especially pretty in that song, though its more ballady than the rest of their songs you'll be sure to like it.  

Since school has started my sanctuary away from it all revolves around music.  Music is everywhere and its all beautiful so to not listen to something simply because it doesn't relate to you time period or group of friends confuses me.  I urge everyone to listen to everything and judge for themselves whether they like it or not.  With that I'll see you guise later!


oh wait! Do you guise have some type of music or band that no one you know likes?  Which is it? Share with me a story!!

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