Saturday, June 22, 2013

Let's eat!! Takoyaki

Let me eat you!!
Takoyaki.  You've probably seen it in manga or anime in scenes where there are festivals or where they are bought to eat from street vendors, this doesn't delude much from reality as takoyaki is a popular street food in Japan.  Originally from Osaka takoyaki spread through Japan becoming a favorite street food, so many people like it that you can even find takoyaki stands in New York.

But what is takoyaki?  Essentially they're dumplings filled with rich goodness but that's the way I describe them in reality its like this.  Well, tako means octopus in Japanese and yaki means fried so if you put that together it's fried octopus. With only that description I make it seem unappetizing to those that don't live near the sea but never fear my land loving friends there's more to it that throwing an octopus into hot oil and then eating.  Actually takoyaki are fried octopus balls, they're made in a special takoyaki pan that help give them their round shape. With some batter, chopped octopus, green onions and red ginger you'll have delicious takoyaki.

The only thing that might deter some people from trying this delicious concoction is the octopus but you will not regret eating takoyaki in fact you might regret it more not eating it.  Japan is an island so some, if not most of the dishes served there include sea creature you would probably only see in a SpongeBob episodes.  Do not stop from eating something simply because you've never eaten it before takoyaki is delicious and is a must try if your ever in Japan.  If you cannot make it to japan though there are many recipes online on how to make takoyaki even some that don't include octopus just incase your allergic. 


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