Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Aokigahara Forest - The Forest of Death!

The Aokigahara Forest known also as a Sea of Trees and The Forest of Death is an extremely scary place to think about.  This forest is so dense with trees, that it is easy to find a place where absolutely no light gets in at high noon when the light of the sun is highest, besides this the forest has a clear absence of wildlife and is known for being exceptionally quite but why does this make it scary?

Well, in a forest where you can run into a cornucopia of dead bodies at every turn let's just say the Aokigahara forest takes the cake when it comes to scary.  Located in the base of Mount Fuji The Aokigahara forest is known as the second most popular place for suicides on earth, home to more that 500 confirmed suicides since the 1950's and the forest is so dense that it is difficult to say that these are all the suicides that have happened within it.  The suicides happen so often that the police left signs that say things like 'value your life' or 'think about your family' in hopes that this would stop some of the suicides.  Sad to say that this doesn't seem to slow down the suicide rate within the forest.

But wait these aren't the only reasons why the Aokigahara forest is scary.  Legend says that in ancient times during famines where food was scarce villages would leave people deep inside the forest to die a slow horrible death as a sacrifice to the forest, because of this the forest is also said to be haunted by the souls of those left behind to die.   And Japanese spiritualist believe that the deaths that have happened within this forest have permeated into the soil and trees, preventing those who enter from escaping the depths of the forest.

怖い!! Kowai!! Scary!!

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