Monday, July 1, 2013

Drama Time! Bloody Monday Season 2

Unlike last season that dealt with the stopping of a biological disease turned nuclear weapon with J and K at its command this season deals with a whole new terrorist organization that calls themselves Der Freischutz.  This mysterious terrorist group sprung up on its own and has no past records so its existence and reason for being is a mystery for everyone at Third-I.  Only two year since the last terrorist attempt, this new terrorist group doesn't just want to destroy Tokyo but all of Japan. Without knowing their motive Third-I again in lists the help of Fujimaru to try to stop them at every turn. Fujimaru with his expert hacking skill once again goes into work at finding the terrorist only to find that the enemy has a hacker with seemingly better abilities than him.  So in this season unlike the last Fujimaru fails at hacking more than he succeeds being led to traps set up by this new elusive hacker, Hornet.   To make matters worst Third-I has once again been infiltrated by a spy from the terrorist group and this spy is helping in the failing of Fujimaru and creating distrust within Third-I while at the same time causing the deaths of some of the already known characters from last season. 

After this season this dramas name alone sends a curdle down my spine and an instant need to scream out of frustration.   This to some might seem like a bad sign but trust me its a good sign the drama was great.   It was action packed, had me looking left and right for answers and no matter where I turned I couldn't escape the inevitable truth that was left at the end.   The only complaint that I could give this drama at all is that personally at crucial moments I really wanted to punch Fujimaru in the face, he seriously pricked me the wrong way at those times.   But the drama made up for all the hate I felt for Fujimaru by giving me two wonderful villains whom I fell in love with last season returning as.....good guys? what?!   Though since last season we knew Orihara was working for money but J turning a new leaf, getting caught by THIRD-I. J?  The super terrorist that left unscratched last time come backs sick from radiation poisoning? What?! This news confused me because I couldn't believe J was the type to be so careless but one scene in particular sealed to me the fact that J was going to die, its a very intense scene where it shows J giving up on life, it involves a gun and him trying to kill himself only to find the gun was empty, it was heart breaking but at the same time disturbing, if you watch the drama you will know what I'm talking about.  But I digress the Bloody Mondays second season is definitely my favorite since unlike the last season it had me doubting everything and everyone only to realize at the very last two episode that I was wrong the whole time and I should have been doubting all those that looked innocent in the first place, then again I should have learned this last season.  I was feed lies every episode and believed every single one, the dismay I felt at the end of this season was immense.  But still this season gave a great show and I hope it doesn't end there seeing as the master mind behind it all got away again.



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