Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Drama Time! Hotaru no Hikari

Amemiya Hotaru at work is a fashionable, pulled together office worker in a famous interior design company.  To everyone at work she is the ideal woman who has no flaws and must have a wonderful love life but once at home she is the complete opposite of what they think. She lives alone in a house she rented off a man in a bar one night and when she isn't working she is lazying around in the house doing nothing but sleeping, eating and making a mess. She's also not interested in love thinking of it as a waste of time that she could be using to sleep. Takano Seiichi is Hotaru's boss a neat man that lives his life with many rules and regulations, after a separation from his wife he ends up moving back to his childhood home only to find it in a complete mess. To his shock his father was the man that rented the home to Hotaru but deeming their deal invalid he decides to live there indefinetly telling Hotaru to move out as soon as possible, but Hotaru has no plans of moving out because the porch of that house is her favorite place. Takano calls Hotaru a himono-onna (dried up woman) seeing it impossible for any man to fall in love with her, but to much surprise love found its way.   Amemiya Hotaru though not interested in love at first, begins to have feeling for Teshima Makoto a new co-worker in her department and so the stage is set, with Takano unwillingly helping her with her romance and keeping her double life a secret, will Hotaru be able to find and keep her first love?

This I believe is the first drama I've ever written about that has some real actual romance in it, blasphemy, I know.  Though it's not the sort of romance drama that is in your face and makes you wonder constantly why you don't have a partner making you binge on ice cream and cry until your eyes start falling out, no, it's not that sort of romance in actuality its a romance comedy, so its light hearted and it'll make you laugh without fail. The characters have nicknames for each other, Hotaru calls Takano, Buchou (manager) which will confuse you at some point into thinking that's his real name and Buchou calls Hotaru, Ahomiya, which is a play on her name, aho meaning stupid. Buchou is so mean! Really and truly merciless. Hotaru on the other hand is a person that you will fall in love with, she's hard working and she means well, she just has bad at home habits that need to be killed, but then again that's what Buchou is there for so I guess she's okay. Buchou you might come to like although at first he's rigid like a wall as time progresses he bends to Hotaru's personality, so he's kinda like bamboo bending to strong wind. (HA!)

Theres one concept in the drama that got me though himono-onna, after watching this drama I've been fully convinced that I am one! Let's make a list shall we? Jersey? Check! Sweat-pants? Check!  Laze around all day when I don't work? Double check! Interest in love? None. According to the answer to all these questions I'll never get married... ah who cares I'm happy and still young I can't be the only one I'm sure theres a buchou out there for me or at least a himono-otoko, that's what this drama taught me, another thing this drama taught me is the joy of rolling around saying 'goro goro' great stress reliever really Hotaru was not wrong on this one. But to know the full joy of the goro goro you must watch the drama! Till then....


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