Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Drama Time! My Hero, My boss

Sakaki Makio is a 27 year old school drop out with the intelligence of a grade schooler and the brawn's of a rabid animal.   Known as 'Tornado Makio' he is a yakuza leaders son he believes that he will be the next boss of the gang. That is until his father tell him that he will have to finish high school before it can happen.  By matter of buying Makio back into school through bribery, Makio and his father make a deal that if Makio is able to graduate high school he will take over the gang and if he is unable to complete high school his little brother, Micky, will take over instead.   Besides Makio and the principal no one in the school knows his secret and Makio must pose as a 17 year old and make sure that the fact that he's 27 and that he's part of the yakuza does not get out or risk being immediately expelled. With his temperament and rough personality the task seems impossible but as the days goes Makio learns that theres much more to be offered in high school besides test and studying.

I really enjoyed this drama but this dramas plot itself is completely and utterly impossibly ridiculous, though I don't mean that in a bad way.   I mean it in a how did no one in the high school catch on sooner? It has one of those things that completely obvious to the viewer but no one in the actual drama catches on.  Like how Super Man is Clark Kent, just because he takes off his glasses and pushes his hair back no one notices that he is Super Man, those kind of unbelievable disguises that are just too uncanny to not notice. But I digress after getting over the fact that Makio looked nothing at all like a high schooler and at the same time having that dawning at the back of my head I found this drama really amusing.  The main character although old had a very child like and innocent personality after deciding to make the most of high school which threw you off for a while since he was a soon to be gang leader nicknamed Tornado.   It had many extremely hilarious moments, my favorite one involving a cow, and although the drama could totally and utterly never really happen it was very nice to watch, but don't take my word for it watch it and tell me what you thought.


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