Saturday, July 6, 2013

Personal Post- Shinto religion

Since the beginning of this month I've become quite re-interested with the Japanese Religion called Shinto which if you didn't know originated in Japan.  I've been doing a lot of research on it and have learned so much.   I want to share what I learned but before I go into a deep explanation on what the Shinto religion is and how it works I have to give out vocabulary and explain a bit about its structure both physically and spiritually.   Since religion can be a complicated thing to explain and the Shinto religion is already complicated in itself I don't want to go deep into it without touching on some subjects first. I would like to explain the concept of Kami and what Shrines are in the Shinto religion, as well as some of the myths and stories that talk about the beginning of Japan in the religion itself. There is much to talk about and touch when it come to Shinto religion since it sets the foundation for Japanese history and it affects the culture quite deeply.  I'll try to spread a lil knowledge on it but if your interested in it don't stop here there are many places where you can learn a little on the Shinto religion, drink from all the water of learning as it would be and research it as I did, religion is complicated and what I understood from this religion could be something completely different from what you understood as it is left for personal interpretation. What doesn't change is that the Shinto religion is deeply rooted into Japans everyday life and its something that is good to know to understand the culture. Before anything I would like to explain Shrine structure since its understandable then I will go from there and explain more as we go along.   Since I'm explaining Shrine structure there will be two mini post talking about the parts of the shrine that I will be explaining and it will go on like this every time I come up with another part of Shinto shrines to explains and that day will also have two mini post unless it needs more elaboration.  This will probably go on happening until I have explained the Shinto religion and all the things that come with it.  With that I'll take my leave, today's actual posts will be up in a little while I just wanted to explain this before we went into it. 


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