Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Drama Time! Yankee-kun to Megane-chan

This drama is about Shinagawa Daichi a good student turned Yankee after being confused for the unbeatable Hurricane Ada.  Because of being called this, countless people come asking him for a fight trying to beat the Yankee Hurricane Ada this and his short temper hinders his school life and leaves him isolated from his classmates. Adachi Hana in the same class as Shinagawa Daichi, is a glasses wearing nosy class rep with a secret who tries her best to get Shinagawa to take part in school activities and become part of the class. Her secret is discovered by Shinagawa and she becomes even more determined to get him to correct his Yankee ways. The drama is about these two as they try to change who they are and the way people view Yankees.

This drama is hilarious but there are many heart warming moments where you see how hard it is for people to view past appearances and see who a person really is.   There are also times when the characters pasts make them doubt who they are or cause trouble in the present and times where past friendships are tested. Adachi Hana is a character that does not know personal space when it comes to Shinagawa and Shinagawa, because of his sister, believes that Adachi is in love with him and could confess at any moment, which make many funny things occur.   Shinagawa though is actually in love with a girl who gave him a pencil during the school entrance exams but he doesn't remember what she looks like and only remembers she had long black hair, who the girl is is revealed to him in the very last episode, though it is obvious to the viewers the whole time, which makes a sweet atmosphere come across every once in a while.

Last thing I'll say the way the drama opened up was just too funny at least to me I might be weird but how do you throw a rice ball so high and how does it stay up there for so long?! This and the black and white scenery made me just laugh the whole time though I guess I wasn't suppose to. But to know why I laughed and whether I was right to laugh or not depends on watching it! So go! Go! Until then.....


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